For that you shift into wraith form for a short time. Using it while dead is the thing that reduces your respawn timer, slurping your way towards resurrection. You can go about the rest of your mace-wielding business while this happens. Essentially you connect yourself with an enemy hero via a giant ghost fist and suck life out of them and into you like they're the oilfield milkshake in There Will Be Blood. More accurately it is "drain HP" because it drains hit points and not hope. It does heavy damage if you do it when you're alive (double against enemy minions to bear that in mind for wave clearance) and when you're dead this is the thing that slows enemy heroes so you can use it to facilitate kills or escapes. His first ability is Skeletal Swing which sounds like a dance but is actually just a skeleton swinging his big old mace thing.

That means you'll need to keep an eye on the timer so you don't end up stuck somewhere stupid getting re-murdered. When you come back into the game you'll spawn wherever the wraith happens to be. What that means is that when he's killed on the battlefield, instead of tabbing out to check Twitter you need to stay in the game and control his wraith form which can be used to slow enemies or decrease the hero's respawn timer. That keenness for resurrection and biffing things is the theme for his soon-to-arrive character in Heroes of the Storm. Inconvenient, yes, but Diablo was able to raise Leoric from the dead which is what the whole Skeleton King business is all about.

Corrupted by Diablo he went on an executions 'n' terrible decision-making spree until he was killed by a knight. Leoric, as you will remember from your Diablo history books, was the king of Khanduras.

By which I mean, "Hey - there's a Heroes of the Storm spotlight video for Leoric, The Skeleton King." Ah, that weird feeling where the wall separating the Blizzardiverse and the Dotaverse-whose-inhabitants-originated-in-the-Blizzardiverse-and-then-diverged-for-legal-reasons thins a little and you can almost hear the phrase "assertion of IP rights"*.